what I miss

Living as a slave full-time is, for a deep submissive like me, is a most satisfying life, a blessing to be in. In what I’m about to say, I don’t want to appear as being ungrateful or complaining. Yet, my full-time life in slavery has its sacrifices. It makes me miss some things about vanilla life.

There’s an innocence about vanilla life that I miss sometimes. Not that vanilla people aren’t active in adult things and aren’t sexual, but their sexuality is kept more private and their relationships are based on other attractions first. They can experience the simplicity of the expression, “I like you,” uncomplicated by alternative lifestyle or darker impulses.

I like to think sometimes about going on a casual date with someone, a time apart from my lifestyle, from my submissiveness, from my sexuality — just sitting down over coffee and talking about books and art and faith and life.

I sometimes long for that, but that’s not possible for me anymore. I am stereotyped by my lifestyle and submissive status to be seen and known in a certain way. Any person who would take me out on a date would know what I am and do. Seeing me for the first time, he or she could not look at me with the innocence of first impressions, but would take me in through a lens of my submissive sexuality. He or she would likely have expectations of me according to my lifestyle. I doubt we could ever get to the quaint point of saying, “I like you.”

Again, I don’t mean to whine and grouse. It’s not that I don’t love my life, and I certainly am blessed in so many ways by those who own me and the situations I’ve been placed in. I’m a lucky girl. But sometimes I miss the nostalgic possibility of a simple date. I miss the innocent life “out there” in which I can be other things.

I also miss the professional world. I used to be in real estate, in my twenties, before my D/s life. I really never much liked the work itself, but I did enjoy going to conferences and workshops and conventions, in which I could interact with other business people, engage in shop talk, and form business connections. I realize those relationships are fleeting and utilitarian, but I miss the buzz of professional talk and chatter.

It’s helpful to me that I am owned by two executives, each of whom is deeply involved in professional worlds. I enjoy meeting Master M’s board members and Mistress A’s clients, and I like being around the business doings of each of them. Of course, the difference is that I am presented to these business people as what I am, a submissive in service, a slave, even a sex slave. From that point on, I have no particular standing with anyone on a professional level. The look at me differently. There is no business chatter, just sexual innuendo.

Submissively, I do not object to that innuendo or resist being sexually objectified in people’s first acquaintance. This is what I am and is the life I’ve chosen. In some ways that’s submissively fulfilling. Yet, I miss the corporate dialogue, the business conversation that includes me as a participant at a professional level.

So, there is something else. It’s something I’ve never had, so I can’t say I “miss” it, but it’s a circumstance I wish I could experience.

I’m in touch with some of you who are submissive in occasional, periodic D/s relationships. There is a dominant “on the side” of your primary relationship. I hear about your periodic BDSM experiences in person or sometimes online, how you take time away from your vanilla life to enter into submission to this other man on a “date,” of sorts. When it’s over, you must leave and re-enter your vanilla life, all while bearing the delicious secret you have.

The part of that I wish I had is having a public role of respect in public life, while from time to time being reduced into submissive humiliation in a private session. There’s something about walking in and out of both experiences, the transition from dignity to degradation and back, that appeals to me. It’s the idea of being a woman of substance and authority in front of others in a professional setting, while in another moment being a submissive privately reduced by a dominant to a puddle of tears.

That happens to be a common theme in my fiction writing, and so I think it’s a lurking fantasy of mine. But again, without complaining about my blessed situation, that scenario isn’t possible for me. It’s an experience I wish for.

The 24/7 D/s lifestyle, in which one lives in submission around the clock, bears a cost. It’s not only the cost of commission — what I commit myself to endure and service in my life as a slave. It’s also the cost of omission — the things I sacrificed when I entered the full-time D/s life.

I don’t regret the choice I made to become a slave in a D/s life full-time — I knew what I was giving up — but those are some of the things I very much miss.

8 thoughts on “what I miss

  1. I am grateful you shared this piece with your readers, shae. I think many of us (me) can get caught up in the fantasy of it all, and you’ve highlighted some of the reality of living as a slave 24/7 here. I remember how early in my connection with Sir, how I would sometimes feel frustration when he moved our conversation beyond topics related to D/s (my goodness, I was starving for D/s when we first connected, just couldn’t get enough). But in his wisdom, he knew that for our long-distance relationship to survive, that we would need a bit more to connect around than spanking and discipline.

    Sir has chosen to dominate me in other, non-sexual ways, but ways that promote new and interesting conversation between us. For example, we are both avid readers and he chooses all of my novels (and sends them to me in the mail, which always feels a bit like Christmas morning to me). I’m not sure I would even know how to pick out my own book anymore and I love how we discuss the books after, or sometimes during, if we are reading the same book at the same time. Something else he did during our first three years together was to assign me music to listen to weekly, which we would then discuss. That has fallen away and I do find myself missing it at times. One other non-sexual for of domination is that he gives me written assignments. For example, right now he has me learning all about coral reefs bleaching, and I will send that to him (with references) in a couple of weeks.

    I share all this as I am reflecting on the differences in our D/s lifestyle. I often dream of living a 24/7 D/s lifestyle, but I see the challenges as you describe them. I do love my career and I’m not sure I would want to give that up. I have also realized that I am not cut out to be a sex slave, though I would want to be used sexually. I am probably more of a service slave, like maria. I get a lot of satisfaction from serving others.

    I hope you don’t mind that I am doing all this personal reflection on your post, my sister-in-submission. I have missed our conversation and I know it is my turn to write back, but life has been challenging here lately. I will be sure to write soon. In the meantime, please know how grateful I am for you. While I do have a vanilla friend that I am able to talk D/s with, it is different with you, as you get it based on lived experience. Love you lots. XOXO

    Liked by 7 people

  2. Good morning!

    I can’t speak for others, but for I have massive respect for you in the way you live your life authentically, fully, and with abandon. If I were ever to get the chance to meet you in ‘real life’ I assure you that our conversations would span a variety of topics, not limited to your submission. You are well-read and your command of the English language belies an underlying education. Your commitment to your faith speaks to your spirituality. Your caring of Maria shows the quality of your soul.

    This may be me projecting on to you, but I sensed that there was a catalyst for this post. An experience that caused the ‘vanilla desires’ to surface. My impressions are often wrong, but there is the occasion where my empathetic senses hit the mark. If my senses are accurate, I hope no one judged you, causing you to question your situation.

    Thanks again for the beautiful and thoughtful writing.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. ”But I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

    We all wonder about that road not taken, and wish we could enjoy experiences that are foreclosed by our life choices and commitments.

    We all have these sorts of regrets; but it’s interesting to see what yours are.

    keep up the good work!

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Shae, for me, this post strongly suggests that no matter what path we choose, there are trade-offs and sacrifices to be made. You illustrate some important ones here as you talk about your slave life and what you are missing out on.

    I was especially moved by your comments about people like me who have had part-time submissive experiences and how you might have liked walking “in and out” of both experiences.

    It makes sense, and I get it. You may have imbued in me a greater appreciation for my experience. That said, if I could switch places with you, I would do so without a second thought! LOL

    Liked by 5 people

  5. The last section made me think of a picture I saw once on Tumblr. The theme was “before and after”. The before picture was of a soccer-mom looking woman, dressed in her suburban best, looking as though she was ready to head off to a PTA meeting or serve a plate full of cookies to the kids. Next to it was her actively participating in a gang-bang with four or five guys. The picture made me wonder how all those appetites, desires, thoughts, wants and whims could occupy the same space within a person. It also made me appreciate how wrong one could be if they made assumptions about a person based on first appearances. We are all complex beings capable of surprising each other. I say all that to say that the idea of you being the professional by day / sub by night could still happen. After all, there are many chapters of your book that have yet to be written.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Shae, i totaly get missing business relationships. being retired and lving my vanilla life with my Daughter’s family (being the good Grandfather). Some days i am playing?watching a, 3,6,and 7 year old. and those days i wish i were with Mistress and Sir, cleaning house and serving Them.

    I have great respect for you, as you are lving your dream. I often wonder how you find the time to write so elegantly about your life and feelings. I am amazed as i bearly find time to read my emails and collect my thoughts.

    Thank You for sharing

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Hi Shae,

    Some of what I write will no doubt be rambling because I’m still very much thinking about your posts regarding the car wash. Maybe I’ll write you by email to tell you my thoughts about that. Anyway, I totally understand your longing for vanilla life outside of your two Dominants. Why shouldn’t you have this in your life too, if you want it?

    I had a career before our daughter was born. It was in the medical field, which meant I did not wear a collar or any sign of my submission at work. Sir’s love language has always been material gifts and adornments, so I always wore a necklace or bracelet as a “day collar,” if you will. Sometimes he would tell me to think of something highly erotic while at work and this kept our minds on each other. I loved my work and the socialization aspect of it. I think all of us crave casual friends to laugh and converse with about mundane things like sports teams, TV shows or movies, politics, religion, holidays, etc. This keeps us well-rounded as humans.

    It’s true that you’re owned by two busy executives, and you help them as needed, but the work and therefore your fulfillment are in a big sense, not your own. You are being a good submissive, and the joy you get from that is understandable. It’s still not the same as knowing you did your very own work and succeeded. I know for me it was a wonderful time, and somehow I thrilled to the fact that at work I presented as very vanilla and modest, but at home was very much a sexually used and domestically disciplined submissive.

    I wonder if you will still feel totally satisfied in your relationships in say, 5-10 years? Might you then have regrets that you missed out on anything in your younger life? Sometimes I regret that I didn’t pursue my submissiveness when I was younger; to try more experiences and relationships with other, differently-styled Domination. Don’t get me wrong, Sir and I have a wonderful life and have been very blessed in so many ways. We have lovely things, a beautiful home, a caring and loving daughter, and fun vacation times. Yet emotionally, I think we as mortals tend to look back and ruminate on what might have been.


    Liked by 2 people

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